Sunday, November 6, 2022

Perhaps You'd Better Start From The Beginning

When I discover a book series, television show, comic book, and musical act that's new to me but has been around for a while, I like to start from the beginning.

This goes back to when I was a child and loved to read but I wouldn't buy X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman or Superman comic books because their story was already in progress. When Marvel started the New Universe I collected several of the title since I could start at the first issue.

When I hear a song from a band or artist, I check their discography and start from their first album. Thankfully streaming services let me listen to the album in full before I decide to buy. For my birthday and Christmas, I ask for iTunes gift cards to expand my collection. It's frustrating when I hear an awesome song then discover it's on the artist/band second or third album. Even more so when I listen to the first album and don't like any of the songs on it.

Books are forgiving because most of the authors I like rarely do sequels or trilogies. When I was a younger geek and a Dragonlance fan, two bookshelves were dedicated to the world of Krynn.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

In The Cucina With Seamas

The other day I had a craving for fried rice so I went searching for recipes. The one common ingredient from the results was day old rice. This gave me the idea to cook one cup of rice when making my Spicy Rice which inspired me to try something new when making black beans and spicy rice. When I next made Spicy Rice, and the rice was finished cooking I scooped a cups worth into the skillet with the cooked black beans. Then I added a 1/2 cup of salsa, mixed everything together until the rice absorbed the salsa. This way got more of the liquid out of the salsa.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Puddle Deep Thought

Blogs are like dreams, they're only interesting to the person who has them.