Sunday, April 5, 2015

Let Me Explain. No, There Is tToo Much. Let Me Sum Up

I have a bad habit of explaining myself to myself. Here is an example of this behavior; recently there was an article about homemade candles on lifehacker. I liked it because I have a candle that rarely gets used due to it's design.

The neck gets dirty from soot which diminishes the dune grass scent. I thought about trying to break the jar while submerged in water, but I don't want to risk getting glass in my mixing bowls or damaging the sink in any way.

The article explains how to get the wax out in a safer way which I'm going to do, all I needed was the carton. I had a choice between the milk or orange juice, whichever one I finished first. Last night I finished the milk and put it on the counter next to the sink. As I did this I said out loud,
            "I'll leave the milk out here to remind me to wash it out so I can use it to make the candle. I'll rinse it out after I'm done watching this episode of Breaking Bad."

That's when I caught myself explaining myself to my myself. Sometimes I'll just stop talking or say "There's no need to explain, I know what I'm going to do."

If I'm making a mental list, it doesn't help because I'll forget most of the time. Writing it down on the fridge whiteboard helps me to remember and if I forget, then I'll see it later.

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