Sunday, January 17, 2016

Goodbye World

I watched Goodbye World recently, it was about how civilization collapses due to massive power outages, and how people’s personal worlds fall apart as well.

There’s a “hippie” couple who own a house with solar panels for power and a well for water. They grow their own food, and keep chickens. There was a storage shed of preserved foods and dry goods. One of the neighbors who also lives off the grid has a animal farm and offers a pig to the main character. This is where their friends come to when the disaster strikes.

The next couple are yuppies who own a house so big the husband hasn’t gone into all the rooms. The rest of the cast are “trouble-makers”, a Washington DC intern who had an affair with a married senator, and a famous computer hacker.

The only plot device I found too convenient was the refrigerator full of medicine. Not only was it stocked with just what they needed, but it was of hospital grade quality. This was all explained by the main character having become a millionaire from selling his computer company.

While I liked the movie on a whole, it was the house and farm that I enjoyed the most.

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