Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Less To Do, Less Anxiety

So far I'm pleased with my decision to trim down my Habit List to three a day. If there is something that needs to be done, then I'll only add the one that needs to get done that day.

For example, today I did laundry, and made almond butter. These aren't habits but I had to do them since I need clothes and food for the week. I was going to postpone cleaning my coffee maker to tomorrow night, but there was mess today and it has to get done now.

When I'm stressing about my chores, I'm trying to get two done at the same time. I was folding my laundry, but had this compulsion to get my dishes done. I briefly stopped folding to Just Breathe then I was focused on finishing it.

As of now I've got most of chores done and soon I can enjoy the rest of this Sunday.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Three Shall Be The Number Thou Shalt Count, And The Number Of The Counting Shall Be Three.

Bet you thought this was going to be a blog about Monty Python.

Last night I was going through the To Do's on my whiteboard, six in total. After I had thrown out the garbage and put the recyclables in their bins, I started making dinner. While it was cooking I made hummus (another item from the list). To keep myself in a 'get it done' mood I listened to Deadmau5.

With the hummus made, and my dinner ready I played a web based game called Kingdom Rush. I've been trying to beat a certain level, but my placement of towers haven't worked. I restarted the level and tried a different layout which got me further in the level, but ultimately I lost. This frustrated me so I stopped playing and finished dinner.

Washing all the dishes from dinner and hummus, I started to feel anxious because I still had three more tasks to do but it was 7 o'clock and I just wanted to relax. I came up with a new strategy for the game so I decided to reward myself for getting three tasks done before finishing off the list.

Back to the game, and the new plan worked till I got to the next wave and got beat again so back to the list.

As I was cleaning/sorting the papers on my desk, my anxiety came back because it was 7:30. So I said when my desk was done, I was too. Usually Wednesdays are my mid week night to relax, but I went to see Deadpool on Tuesday because tickets are cheaper. Not only did I have more items on my to do list, but my Habit List as well.

This is when I decided to reorganize my Habit List to only three items throughout the week, with the exception of Wednesdays for Six Word Story and writing in my journal. I did this during my lunch break today, and still had time to watch two TED Talks.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's Day Tradition

For the past several Valentine’s Day I’ve been single and I celebrate it with meals and movies.

The first year, I got chole peshwari and a side of papad from The Mughal Palace in Valhalla. The movie was Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, with popcorn for a snack.

When WALL-E was released on Blu-Ray I added it to the tradition but changed the order to ESOTSM, go get dinner, then watch WALL-E.

Then Joe VS The Volcano which gets added to the movie line up if Valentine’s falls on a weekend because I can’t stay up too late.

I skipped the movie part of the tradition for 2015 because my apartment had issues with the electrical outlets and I didn’t want to risk damaging my TV or Blu-Ray player.

Since Valentine’s Day was yesterday, I watched all 3 movies throughout the day. Joe VS The Volcano was first, with an egg and potato omelette for breakfast. The movie holds up well after all these years and viewings. I went food shopping afterwards to get ingredients for my lunch.

When I got home and put my groceries away, I made a burrito with refried beans, spicy tofu, guacamole, and chips in a whole wheat wrap. I put Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind in my player and relaxed. The sun coming in the window made me sleepy and I nodded off a bit.

When ESOTSM was over it was close to 5 PM, so I drove over to the Mughal Palace
and got my traditional meal. While I waited for it, I got vanilla ice cream from the Village Creamery & Sweet Shop.

Because it was so cold outside, I had to heat up the chole peshwari and rice a bit. I’ve must have watched WALL-E five times now but I still get misty eyed when he’s watching the scene in Hello Dolly when they’re holding hands, when EVE sees the security camera footage, and of course when EVE fixes WALL-E but he’s forgotten everything.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Warning! The following several items when combined are dangerous!

Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt Chunky Guacamole made with Greek Yogurt, Restaurant Style White Corn Tortilla Chips with a Hint of Salt, and Flour Tortillas made with Whole Wheat.

Spreading the guacamole on the whole wheat tortilla, then laying the white corn chips around. Folding it in half makes a delicious snack.

If you have these items in your home, call me and I'll remove them. No need to thank me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Zombie Nightmare

I do enjoy when I dream about zombies, to the point where I should practice lucid dreaming so I can actively participate when I have them. Though in last night's case to avoid waking up being frightened by them.

I don't remember a lot about the dream because it was difficult to see it when it was happening. There were 3 moments that stood out;

First, it was several weeks after the initial outbreak and the zombies outnumbered the humans. We were abandoning major cities, which caused chaos.

At one point, a large group of humans (myself included) were running down a hill to get on boats. Zombies were in between us, getting a running buffet. I managed to get on a cabin cruiser but just as I was going, a zombie jumped into the boat. As we fought, the boat shrank to the point where my feet were keeping it from shrinking further and this allowed me to throw the zombie overboard where I used the propeller to kill it.

The dream jumped and I was in an office/warehouse when a group of zombies came towards me. I managed to climb onto a desk and into the space between the office's ceiling and the building's roof, but the zombies followed.

This is when I woke up and realizing it was a nightmare.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Challenge Accepted!

I recently participated in's January Money Challenge which was to cut my restaurant spending to zero for the entire month. While I didn't go out for a meal or order pick-up, I spent 2 dollars on the snack machine. Otherwise, I saved 98 dollars because I allowed myself 100 dollars as a Fun budget. 
The Fun budget is for meals at a restaurant, going to the movies, going out with friends, etc.