Thursday, September 22, 2016


I like coffee, and have for a long time. I was 12 and working at my dad’s grocery store when I first tried it. Back then I put in milk and 4 teaspoons of sugar since I found it bitter without them. As I got older my preferences and making of it has changed.

During the late 90’s I was on the Atkins diet, so I removed sugar from the coffee and switched to half and half. I stuck with the diet for about three months but quit because it was upsetting my stomach. By that time I had gotten so used to coffee without sugar that I haven’t used it since.

I’m not sure when or why I stopped using half and half, but I have tried various milks from nuts (almond, coconut, hazelnut) but never could get used to the taste of them. Hazelnut was the exception but it bothered my stomach.

When I started buying my own coffee, I tried the big name brands (Maxwell House, Folgers, Eight o’Clock) and Eight o’Clock was the best of them. During a conversation with a friend, he explained that I should buy whole beans since pre ground is stale.

Grinding my beans was a learning process in itself. First I’ve never used the store grinder because who knows when they cleaned it last and you’re getting bits of other coffee. Decaf will never touch my lips!

When I grind at home I’ll do 3 bursts for 12 seconds each, shaking it a bit between, I find this gives me the best brew and the grounds don’t float up and out of the reservoir and into my coffee pot.

I’ve used percolators in the past but no matter how careful I was, water managed to get into the base and cause damage. So I’ve been using a Mr. Coffee drip which I only had to replace once because I didn’t read the directions on how to clean it and ruined the thermostat. Luckily they’re a lot cheaper.

I like flavored coffee as well and will buy a small bag for my weekend mornings when I have more time to enjoy a cup. It’s been tough finding a store that sells Hazelnut beans but The Black Cow Cafe in Pleasantville has other “flavors” that are just as tasty, their Genetha’s Cabin is personal favorite. It’s been too long since I’ve stopped in for a cup.

Lately Trader Joe’s Breakfast Blend has been my staple coffee, a medium roast blend of mellow and smooth, perfect for any day of the week. I was alternating between that and their Colombia Supremo Coffee but found it too sweet.

At one job there was Green Mountain coffee machine where you could brew a single cup, this was well before Keurig. The ease of which I could have a cup of Hazelnut or French Blend or Italian Roast had me up to 8 cups a day. Then I wondered why I couldn’t get to sleep at night.

Now I have 3 or 4 cups in the morning and I’m good for the day. As much as I’d love a cup in the afternoon, I love getting to sleep at night a bit more.

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