Tuesday, December 5, 2017

In The Cucina With Seamas

At the Pleasantville Farmers Market, I’ve been buying sun dried tomatoes, and peppadews from the Pickle Licious stand. They are pricier than the store bought versions but a lot tastier.

I use to cut the sun dried tomatoes but pureeing makes them easier to add to meals.

One night I made English Muffin pizzas for dinner and used the sun dried tomato puree on two of them, tomato sauce on the other two. Then I topped one of each with goat cheese, the other with shredded mozzarella. Into the oven at 350 degrees and 10 minutes later I had a tasty dinner.

Another idea I had was to add the sun dried tomatoes to refried beans. A ¼ cup of them is a good amount to add if you use canned beans.