Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Need For Change

I wasn't able to get the bread and milk on my last grocery pick up because I went at 3pm on a Sunday before a snowstorm. So when I ran out of milk on Wednesday morning it meant I'd have to take my coffee black for the first time in a long time.

While the first cup on Thursday morning was bitter, it had a nutty taste (which the milk covered up in the past). I tried putting vanilla ice cream in the second cup but it didn't work out as well as I hoped. By the third cup I was enjoying it plain.

On Friday morning, I was enjoying the full rich bean flavor more.

Hopefully I'll get milk today and can go back to enjoying my morning cup of motivation the way I have for the past 30+ years.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

New Look, Same Puddle Deep Thought

 Thought I'd try a cleaner look for the blog by increasing the width, moving the search and archive to the bottom and removing links.

Thanks to everyone who keeps checking in for new content.