Sunday, April 21, 2019

Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention

Or in this case a lifehack.

I realized I didn't have enough milk for my morning cups of coffee after pouring it for my cereal. As I carried my bowl and mug to the living room an idea struck, use the milk leftover from my cereal for my next cup. The bonus to this idea was I was eating Trader Joe's Crispy Quinoa Stars which makes the milk a little sweeter and ergo the coffee as well.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tried Something New

I shop at CVS a lot during any given month, so much that I have a category for it in my spending tracker. As I got close to the new month and low on supplies I decided to do all my CVS shopping once a month.

Yesterday morning I made a list, then on my lunch break I made my purchases.

As I left work, carrying my CVS bag, proud of myself for doing something new I remembered that I didn't buy floss.

When I got home I saw that I have enough to last me until next month.