Saturday, December 13, 2014

In the Cucina With Seamas

While it's not exactly like the recipe, it was delicious. I'm proud that I was efficient as I made it.

First I turned my oven on, and set the temperature to 450 degrees to soften the ciabatta bread. Next time I use this trick, I wont tuck the paper towels under the bread since they stuck to it.

As the oven warmed up, I made the guacamole. The avocados I bought from Trader Joe's this past Wednesday were ripe from being in a paper bag. Once they were done, I got the coffee going then put the loaf of ciabatta in the oven.

Next were the eggs which I made scrambled, when I put them back on the heat I'd check the bread's progress. I got the goat cheese out of the refrigerator, the salsa out of the cupboard, and my plate.

The coffee was done, the bread soft, and the eggs were ready. I was worried about leaving them on the stove top, even with the heat off, so I quickly cut the bread. I spread the guacamole, then the salsa. I was pleasantly surprised that the eggs were still moist as I put them. A dash of goat cheese and I put the plate in the warm oven while I made my coffee.

As I bit into it, I reminded myself to eat slowly and enjoy it. It was tough to do because it was tasty. I should have put the second piece on a small plate in the oven to keep it warm as I ate the first.

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