Thursday, February 18, 2016

Three Shall Be The Number Thou Shalt Count, And The Number Of The Counting Shall Be Three.

Bet you thought this was going to be a blog about Monty Python.

Last night I was going through the To Do's on my whiteboard, six in total. After I had thrown out the garbage and put the recyclables in their bins, I started making dinner. While it was cooking I made hummus (another item from the list). To keep myself in a 'get it done' mood I listened to Deadmau5.

With the hummus made, and my dinner ready I played a web based game called Kingdom Rush. I've been trying to beat a certain level, but my placement of towers haven't worked. I restarted the level and tried a different layout which got me further in the level, but ultimately I lost. This frustrated me so I stopped playing and finished dinner.

Washing all the dishes from dinner and hummus, I started to feel anxious because I still had three more tasks to do but it was 7 o'clock and I just wanted to relax. I came up with a new strategy for the game so I decided to reward myself for getting three tasks done before finishing off the list.

Back to the game, and the new plan worked till I got to the next wave and got beat again so back to the list.

As I was cleaning/sorting the papers on my desk, my anxiety came back because it was 7:30. So I said when my desk was done, I was too. Usually Wednesdays are my mid week night to relax, but I went to see Deadpool on Tuesday because tickets are cheaper. Not only did I have more items on my to do list, but my Habit List as well.

This is when I decided to reorganize my Habit List to only three items throughout the week, with the exception of Wednesdays for Six Word Story and writing in my journal. I did this during my lunch break today, and still had time to watch two TED Talks.

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